With the help of 5 playtesters at this last weekend's Trollhoot, I was able to discover the current problems within the character generation process. It was a very good start that just needs a few tweaks that I will describe and place within this latest Quantum RPG posting. These people are:
- Jeff
- Jerry
- Tom
- Robin
- Caed( We had a second Robin and used use alias.)
They had enjoyed the images that were possible of being drawn up during character generation and game play, especially with the ability to use more ROLE playing than ROLL playing their characters and actions. I have recorded this session for my own personal use to learn from. my fears that the 1st adventure that I had written would be unplayable, but it was a very enjoyable session that showed how good of a game master that I can become. I was able to lead them from the tavern that they began within to the location of the Null Queen. And when they did something unexpected, I was capable of bringing about the fight that was desired while allowing them to do what they wanted. I have to learn more on not, exactly, "railroading"- or leading the players to where I want them to go and not allowing them any of their own choices.- them as much as I had in this 1st adventure and my 1st experience as a gm.
One of the biggest thing was on the hit points being too low due to the use of the modifiers alone. So, the decision to use this new formula( Physique Attribute Score + 1D20= Total HP) was made for the higher hp total that I was hoping for. And for later levels, the rolling of a D20 that is added to the original score is used. Thus, Original Score( Physique Attribute Score + 1D20) plus 1D20 is this formula.
In the next playtest session, I am going to focus more on the magic users than those that are technologically- or combat- based characters are. This will help e to generate spells and understand the system for magic in greater detail. However, I think that I will keep it open to the player at the moment before making a later decision.
The 3rd playtest session will look more into how the internet works in this game. I will discuss this later on.
I am going to change the AC Bonus/Penalties for the various types of armors to all bonuses from +0 to +8. However, this may revert back to the original method in future playtests. After I do make these and the other changes to be spoken of, I will continue to look at the rules for the game master and the players' cooperative measures.