Saturday, July 9, 2011

Looking at developing 6 base cities

I will start to look at the 6 home towns of the Earth Hybrids and of Humanity.

So far, I have: 

  1. Null'ood( Was Hollywood) for the Sagars
  2. Sanctuary( Was mount Fuji) for the Pure Humans
  3. Haven( Was Colorado) for the Impure Humans
  4. Grin Land( Was Greenland) for the mammosians
  5. Water Sun( Was Florida) for Ensethians and Repthians
This is just a start for what I will look at in this month.  If you would like to have a say in this, feel free to do so.

Thursday, June 30, 2011

Final Edits for June

I am finishing last month's edits with plenty of ease.  In the coming month after I have completed this work, you will start to see 2 to 4 new races and several classes based on the departments of a space vessel.  I will look at creating animal mounts and equipment for use in the game.  If you want to see anything specific, leave a comment on here or on the Adamant Drakon Freelance Productions' website.

With the money that I am able to make from the work that is under production, I will buy a graphic tablet for use in developing digital artwork.  They run anywhere from $20 to $50 in price based on the type.  Click Here for the site that I will purchase mine from.

Monday, June 20, 2011

Other Playtest edits

Inititiave is being changed from using the spirit modifier to its score.  So, the new formula is 1D20+ Spirit Score+ Force Modifier( If spirit is the highest modifier.)+0( Base)= Initiative Score.  This may be changed due to how it works out.

Skill lists for the classes and, possibly, the races will be developed.  If you can help me out in this, please post on the ADFP site's forum.  I am, also adding more skills for hacking and operating technology as well as for weapons and armor.  The skill points will be better explained for people to understand.

More space will be made for listing skills, special abilities, force usage on the character sheets.

I will discuss the 1st adventure that was played at the Trollhoot for inclusion.  However, another adventure will be designed for this book.  Another Campaign book/pdf will be worked out based on the playtest adventures.

Overall, the game turned out to of great use and fun to me.  It was even entertaining to listen to for this information.  And in the 2nd playtest, these 5 characters will be raised to 2nd level with new players being 1st level.  All of the playtest characters will be included into the sample characters' pdf.  After all of the game has been designed and playtested, I will choose 5 of the characters for inclusion into the rule book.  I will ask for the players that played their created characters to better describe them at this point.

Playtest Time Result

With the help of 5 playtesters at this last weekend's Trollhoot, I was able to discover the current problems within the character generation process.  It was a very good start that just needs a few tweaks that I will describe and place within this latest Quantum RPG posting.  These people are:

  • Jeff
  • Jerry
  • Tom
  • Robin
  • Caed( We had a second Robin and used use alias.)
They had enjoyed the images that were possible of being drawn up during character generation and game play, especially with the ability to use more ROLE playing than ROLL playing their characters and actions.  I have recorded this session for my own personal use to learn from.  my fears that the 1st adventure that I had written would be unplayable, but it was a very enjoyable session that showed how good of a game master that I can become.  I was able to lead them from the tavern that they began within to the location of the Null Queen.  And when they did something unexpected, I was capable of bringing about the fight that was desired while allowing them to do what they wanted.  I have to learn more on not, exactly, "railroading"- or leading the players to where I want them to go and not allowing them any of their own choices.- them as much as I had in this 1st adventure and my 1st experience as a gm.
One of the biggest thing was on the hit points being too low due to the use of the modifiers alone.  So, the decision to use this new formula( Physique Attribute Score + 1D20= Total HP) was made for the higher hp total that I was hoping for.  And for later levels, the rolling of a D20 that is added to the original score is used.  Thus, Original Score( Physique Attribute Score + 1D20) plus 1D20 is this formula.

In the next playtest session, I am going to focus more on the magic users than those that are technologically- or combat-  based characters are.  This will help e to generate spells and understand the system for magic in greater detail.  However, I think that I will keep it open to the player at the moment before making a later decision.

The 3rd playtest session will look more into how the internet works in this game.  I will discuss this later on.

I am going to change the AC Bonus/Penalties for the various types of armors to all bonuses from +0 to +8.  However, this may revert back to the original method in future playtests.  After I do make these and the other changes to be spoken of, I will continue to look at the rules for the game master and the players' cooperative measures.

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Breathing Time

I am taking some time to get myself recollected after doing so much work on this RPG.  Feel free to give me what you see as the faults of the game so far and what I am missing.  I look forward to developing more next month.

Saturday, June 11, 2011

Signature Arms and Armors

A new idea for use by the Player Characters has come to my mind.  This is the idea of allowing them to have a signature item that is developed by their most often used armor and weapon.  They are able to pay a skilled Non Player Character to combine these 2 pieces into a single piece that will do both defensive and offensive effects.  This new item gain a +1 bonus based on their technological era( +1 for Futuristic, +2 for Modern, and +3 for historic) and a game master specified special ability based on how the character has been designed.  This can be done at level 5 for a single item.

Monday, May 30, 2011

I am going to start on the end of May edits. These will be good, because I am starting the 2nd section for this game.  This is on the Player and Game Master responsibilities in designing a planet, a ship, and several other factors for the Quantum Role Playing Game.

I have come up with a good cover idea for this book.  And have 3 artists in mind for this piece.  However if you are an artist, please let me know of your interest.

I will post more later on about ship design.

Monday, May 23, 2011

Creature Development

I have finished editing the partial details for this month.  And have begun to add in the tables for all of the levels of each class.  Will do the races afterwards and need to think on the credit cost of all of the equipment.  At the end of the month, these last few posts will be edited into it under the GM Section.

I am, still, looking for more Guinea Pigs for the Player Section.

I will work up 3 creatures for you to use as examples.  These will be found on the ADFP R&D page as well as the other pdfs for the Quantum RPG.  Please, be sure to leave your comments on here or on the ADFP forums.

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Free Web Site

<a href="" target="_blank">Get a Free Website at!</a>

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

SBA Contest

I have decided to run my first contest based on the Stylish Blogger Awards.  I would like to have 20 of these awards by the end of May 2011.  However, I do not want you to just give me these for the reward that I am offering.  You must feel that I do deserve this award, because it will mean very little if you did not think that I deserved.  And there MUST NOT be any DUPLICATE entries for any of these that occur do not count toward the total 20 that I am asking for.

The prize is a 1 page description of a single Quantum Role Playing Game's Player Character that is open for whatever purpose that you deem necessary.  This player character can be from the 7.5 edition rules or based on the most current details for Liasha's World.  This determination is up to the winners and the prize will be rewarded on the final day of May 2011.

Then, I will have these 3 descriptions placed within the winners' e-mail and onto this blog within 2 weeks of this contest's deadline.  Good luck to everyone and feel free to comment on here about anything!

Note: I will give all 20 participants confirmation on here and will return the favor in kind.

Monday, May 9, 2011

Back to work...

I have finished editting and uploading last month's work into a .pdf file onto the ADFP site.  It is on the Research & Development page under this title.  As is the latest pdf for Liasha's World.  Please, feel free to check them both out and comment on them.  Either as a comment on here or in the site's forums.

I will begin the post-edits work with the description on the Military Classes.  There will be- for the time being- Marines, Navy, and the Air Force that will be similar to one another and have their own differences that are dependant on the environment that they are most likely to be found on.  After I am done working on the Earth's details, The details that are necessary for interstellar travel and work will be the next thing to be done.

I am working on the cover art for this rpg as well.  It will be posted up asap.

Saturday, April 30, 2011

An idea for Cover Art

Go to fullsize imageLet me know what you think of this photo as an image for me to redraw for the cover of the Quantum table top role playing game.  For, both, the published version and the PDF version.  I am thinking that it will have the background of a planet or something.

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

April Posts...

I am going to be leaving the posts for April 2011 as they are until I put the PDF file up on the Adamant Drakon Freelance Productions' website.  It will be in the R&D page.  So, this should be on May 10, 2011 or after that.

Friday, April 22, 2011

Next Month...

I am going to be taking a deeper look into each one of these races for the Quantum RPG as I am editing them for the Adamant Drakon Freelance Productions' Research & Development page.  The one main question is going to be: "Is there a need for subgroups in each race?"  If there is not, I will make each race playable as a whole and not be concerned with any subgroups for them- at this time- before I do move onto the classes that a playable at this time.

Sunday, April 17, 2011

About the Quantum RPG

Quantum Role Playing Game
Designed by Trevor William Eicher Hudgins

The Quantum Table Top Role Playing Game is a science Fiction( or sci-fi) game that is being developed by Trevor William Eicher Hudgins.  It is, hopefully, going to be a much simpler version of other games of this genre( Star Trek, Star Wars, Alternity, Traveller T20, Rifts, etc.) that will bring in the ideas of today's fantasy and modern games( Dungeons & Dragons, Tunnels & Trolls, Spirit of the Century, etc.) and systems( Fate, Fudge, et al.).

The attributes that will, probably, be used are: Intellect, Physique, Spirit, and Force.  Intellect will handle all of the mental concerns of the character.  Physique will do the same for the physical form.  Spirit does the same for religious, astral projections, and perhaps magic( If I decide to go that route.).  Force will handle a myriad of other concerns that will be required of any given character.

The species( or races) will be human, aerthian( bird-human hybrid), mammosian( mammal-human hybrids), repthians( reptile-human hybrids), ensethians( insect-human hybrids), and Sagars( Mechanical Humanoids).  These will be described at a later time as will their planets and roles within the Quantum RPG universe.